I hope you have all had a beautiful week, and are preparing for a mindful week ahead.
Below are 6 journal prompts for you to explore, one for each dimension of your perspective.
Personal History
I used to believe I was a lot like my mom, but as I've gotten older and spent more time with my dad, I’m realizing just how much of him is in me too. It’s interesting how the reflection of our parents can show us parts of ourselves we may not have fully seen before.
Which parent do you see more of yourself in? Has that changed as you've gotten older? What can you learn about yourself from seeing their reflection in you?
"There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it." - Edith Wharton
Both roles are vital. Which one are you?
People are often raised within a belief system—some stay rooted in it, some leave it behind entirely, and others step away to explore, later coming full circle and returning to it with a new perspective.
Where do you stand with the beliefs you were raised with?
I feel seen in my joy.
I feel seen in my excitement.
I feel seen in my optimism.
I feel seen in my passion.
But I feel alone in my anxiety.
I feel alone in my doubt.
I feel alone in my insecurity.
I feel alone in my pain.
I feel alone in my hopelessness.
In the parts of ourselves we keep hidden, loneliness can creep in. It can feel like no one else understands, like we’re alone in what we’re feeling. We start to wonder—is it just me?
But it’s not. We all feel it.
What emotions do you feel seen in? What emotions make you feel alone?
Last Tuesday, I led a self-love journaling session at a Galentine’s event. To open the session, I started with question #80 from DIMENSIONS:
“What do you wish more people asked you about?”
This may seem like a simple question—but in reality, it’s a powerful invitation. It creates space for people to share what’s truly on their hearts and minds. From the very start, it set the tone for the event, allowing us to move beyond surface-level conversation and into something deeper.
Here are some of the responses:
- I wish people would ask me how I have changed.
- I wish people who ask how I’m doing would ask about me—not just my kids or my family.
- I wish people asked about my art and creations, not just what I do for a living.
- I wish people asked about my dreams and what’s on my bucket list.
- I wish people asked what was challenging about my day.
What do you wish more people asked you about?
Try asking someone this question—you might be surprised at how much closer it brings you.
My past self has given me more hope than my future self ever could. Future me is an idea, a glimmer of hope I hold on to. Past me is proof. She's proof of my resilience, proof of who I am, and proof of what I am capable of overcoming.
What has your past self taught you about your strength, resilience, or potential?
Lately, it seems as though most people I've spoken with have been feeling incredibly lonely. And honestly, I’ve felt it too. If you're in that space, I want you to know—you are seen, you are valued, and you are not alone. Your feelings are real, your struggles are valid, and your humanity is beautiful.
Even in the moments that feel the heaviest, just know you are held in ways you may not always see. You are not alone, you are so deeply worthy of love and connection, and you belong here.
Sending you all lots of love.
Until next week,
Sadie Sanchez Author of DIMENSIONS