Multi-Dimensional: Over 4,094 ancestors came together to create you

Happy Sunday!

Below are 6 journal prompts for you to explore, one for each dimension of your perspective.



Personal History

I saw a video on Instagram this week that I feel does an excellent job of depicting why the personal history dimension of our perspectives is so important to continue to understand.

The video explains,

"In order for you to be born, you needed

2 parents 

4 grandparents

8 great-grandparents

16 great-great grandparents

32 third-great-grandparents

64 fourth-great-grandparents

128 fifth-great-grandparents

256 sixth-great-grandparents

512 seventh-great-grandparents

1,024 eighth-great-grandparents

2,048 ninth-great-grandparents

Over the past 12 generations spanning approximately 400 years, you needed a total of 4,094 ancestors to come into existence. We are the result of thousands of lives, choices, and sacrifices that came before us."

(Credit: @Valorgi)

When you think about the thousands of ancestors who contributed to your existence, how does it shape your understanding of belonging, purpose, or legacy? What emotions do you feel when you think about the interconnectedness of your life with theirs?



While it's often possible to seek out a new environment or leave the one we're in, it's equally important to consider how we can be the catalyst for change where we are.

How can you create a positive impact in the environment around you?



"Nobody is more capable than me."

This simple sentence is a powerful reminder that can help us to overcome limiting self-beliefs.

What is one area of your life where you can embrace this mindset and step into your full potential?



Anxiety does not always show itself plainly.

For me, I have found that it often lurks in the shadows of perfectionism, overthinking, or procrastination. Anxiety comes from the need to control the uncertainty we experience, but sometimes facing it head on is the best way to overcome it.

What is the biggest worry on your mind right now? How can you give yourself permission to release some of that control?

P.S. If you want to hear the two words that completely shifted my perspective and helped me release control, check out this podcast episode by Mel Robbins. I can’t recommend it enough.



I am currently in the thick of wedding planning, and I couldn’t be more excited to marry my partner! Through all the joy and anticipation for our big day, I’ve also been taking time to reflect on the deeper meaning of this journey. Choosing a life partner is one of the most defining decisions we will make.

When you think about your life, what values matter most to you in a partner? What kind of relationship dynamic do you hope to create together?



Sometimes, we are able to reconnect with ourselves in the moments when time seems to disappear.

What activities make you lose track of time?


Until next week,

Sadie Sanchez


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