Multi-Dimensional: New year, New version of you

Happy Sunday!

I can’t believe it’s already the last Sunday of the year. As we head into the New Year, it’s natural to feel both excited and overwhelmed. There’s so much growth waiting for us, so many opportunities for improvement.

If I could share one piece of advice for navigating the new year, it would be:

Pick one word or one phrase that you want to guide you.

Sometimes our downfall is setting too many goals and attempting to make too many improvements at once, which can make it feel overwhelming and difficult to achieve. Change takes time. By choosing a single intention, you create a north star—something steady to guide you through it all.

Mine this year is stay in motion. My intention is simply to stay consistent in all my efforts so that momentum is always on my side.

Think about what you want yours to be, and write it down.

Now, here are 6 journal prompts for you to explore, one for each dimension of your perspective.



Personal History

The year 2024 is about to become another chapter in your personal history book.

As you reflect on this past year, what areas did you grow the most? What areas did you grow the least?



Your environment can significantly impact your energy levels. Becoming aware of this allows us to create spaces that energize us and help us reach the goals we set for ourselves.

Is the environment around you draining your energy, or is it fueling you?



One of the most important ingredients for achieving your goals in 2025 is belief—belief in yourself and in your ability to turn ideas and visions into reality. While this kind of belief isn’t built overnight, it can grow through consistent action and intentionally disrupting patterns that attempt to undermine it.

How will you nurture and strengthen your self-belief in the coming year?

P.S. Click here to listen to one of my favorite audio tracks to stay inspired.



One of the questions that people found the most impactful from DIMENSIONS:100 Questions to Help You Understand Your Perspective is Question 30: "What is your emotional home?"

The concept of an emotional home, which Tony Robbins famously teaches, helps us understand our habitual emotions and patterns. He explains that each person has an emotional state they will, by default, return to. This matters because these consistent emotional patterns can shape our identity. Over time, your mind becomes attached to this state, and instead of simply feeling a certain way, your internal dialogue starts to define you by that emotion.

What do you think your emotional home was in 2024? What do you want it to be in 2025?



We can’t get through life alone. We need each other. Yet, we don’t often stop and take the time to express gratitude to those who have walked alongside us, supported us, welcomed us, inspired us, or given us hope.

Who has been there for you this year? Who do you need to thank for being part of your journey?



Throughout our lives, our sense of self will be continuously evolving. It’s a natural process to shed old layers and build new ones.

As we approach 2025, what’s one part of yourself you’re ready to leave behind? What’s one part you’re proud of that you're committed to carrying forward?



Community Reflections

Reflection on last week's newsletter:

From Tashley, Age 38 

While I was reading your story about the magical feeling you had as a child, I started to think about my 8 year self. I didn’t have a Christmas tree and all the nicer stuff in life, but being in a third world country and identifying my inner magic from an early age was a blessing. All your story’s resonate with me but this one brought me to a place of joy, endlessness, and the truest form of belief. As a child my belief was everything to me, on the outside I could say I was sad and lacking, but when I went inward (which I did a lot)(smile). I was the happiest child, it was magical, everything was possible and waiting for me.

It’s so sad that as we become adults fear and influence stifle this innocence, and we lose the ability and possibility of belief in its purest form. We allow fear and doubt to rob us, we dismiss our younger self for creating unattainable ideas, I think it’s safe to say the hope that most of us still have is our younger self fighting for us, reminding us, the magic within. I believe if we could find a way to bridge the gap between fear and doubt, and silent the noise in this chaotic world and remember our younger self the true genius that we were and is, I believe that could be one of the most powerful things we can do as adults.



Wishing you a Happy New Year!

Sadie Sanchez



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